To create a graph, firstly we need a sandbox to be created which is nothing but project folder were we have essential folders that supports a graph. Please watch the tutorial attached to know how to create a sandbox.


To create a sandbox, we need to click project, then click on create sandbox and provide the full path/folder.


A collection of components connected and configured as per the business logic to load data marts is called a graph and please watch the tutorial attached to know how to create a basic graph.

Detailed explanation :

  About Ab-initio : 

Ab-Initio is a Latin term which means "from the beginning", Ab-Initio is an American multinational enterprise software corporation based in Lexington, Massachusetts.
It is a general-purpose data processing platform, It has a single architecture for processing files, database tables, message queues, Web services, and metadata. This same architecture enables virtually any technical or business rule to be graphically defined, shared, and executed. It processes data in parallel across multiple processors, even processors on different servers.
Ab Initio is a Client-Server software which include the following: Graphical Development Environment (GDE), Co>Operating System, Enterprise Meta>Environment (EME), the Component Library and Data Profiler.


    Graphical Development Environment is a graphical interface for creating, editing and executing graphs. You can easily drag and drop components, configure them and develop graphs. You can also check the record count at every stage, check execution time and work on performance tuning.
    Co-Operating System is the foundation for all the Ab-Initio applications which acts as a engine to integrate all kinds of data processing and communication between all the tools. This runs on Mainframe, Unix and Linux and supports parallelism.
    Enterprise Meta Environment is a database which keeps on tracking the changes to the graphs developed. It is also well intelligent that it provides feedback of data which is flown through graph to see the impact on other graphs, which is called data impact analysis.
    Component Library consists of all the components with which you can transform data, load and unload data.
    Data Profiler is an analytical application that present summary information about the data, such as the number of values, the minimum and maximum values, the number of invalid values, and so forth.

    Overview : 
    All the project folders in ab-initio are called “Sand-Box”
    Each sandbox has folders like (Bin, Dml, Run, Xfr, Temp, Logs, Db, Flags)


    What is a graph?

    Ab Initio graph is a data flow diagram that defines the components of a task and the amount of data from one stage to another.  A graph lets you think in terms of processing steps instead of lines of code.

    In a simple way, a graph is composed of components and flows.

    What are components?

    Components are objects used in a graph to make data flow according to a business flow.
    Components are of two types dataset components and program components.
    Dataset components refer to file components when they represent files and table components when referred to database components.
    Program components have parameters that you can set to control how program operates.
    Points on components :
    Every component has ports to read and write data.
    We can add number of ports that we need in properties of a component.

    Detailed explanation :

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